"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." - Jacqueline Kennedy |
The media center offers a variety of multi-media resources available to teachers and students. The media center operates on a flexible schedule basis which allows students and teachers access to books and resources when the need arises during the school day. Students in Kindergarten and First Grade may checkout one book for a two-week period. Students in Second through Fifth grades are allowed two books for a two-week period. Books may be renewed unless a reserve is pending for the book. Students are expected to return books on time and overdue notices are given to teachers when necessary. We do not charge overdue fines, however students are expected to pay replacement cost if a book can not be found. Our media center supports GPS and the Sherman K-12 Content Standards and grade level Benchmarks. The Accelerated Reader Program is used to help promote the love of reading and to provide reading practice in a structured, individualized format. I believe that the child who loves to read will not only do well in language arts courses, but will, in fact, excel in all academic areas.
Library Learning Objectives for Elementary Students: Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Sixth Grade
- Learn how to find books in the library
- Learn how to check books in and out of the library
- Learn how to take care of the books
- Distinguish the parts of a book: Title, Spine, Spine label, Title page, Title, Author, Illustrator, Publisher, Copyright, Fiction, Nonfiction
- Determine the relationship of the parts of the call number to it's location in the library
- Develop listening skills
- Learn about authors and illustrators
- Make predictions in stories
- Use illustrations to guess text meaning
- Share stories
- Explore different genre
- Identifying and order numbers 1-10
- Count backwards
return to top First Grade: - Review all parts of the book
- Learn to share a story: Main characters, Favorite character, Time period, etc.
- Distinguish different types of books: Fiction, Nonfiction, Folk tales, peotry, etc.
- Alphabetizing
- Learn how all of the books are arranged on the shelf
- Determine the difference between fact and fantasy
- Read to gain information
- Read for enjoyment and experience
- Read numbers up to 100
- Sequence and order whole numbers
- Develop listening skills
return to top Second Grade : - Review all parts of a book
- Distinguish the 5 mail parts of the library: Reference, Easy, Fiction, Biography, Nonfiction
- Use a map of the library for locating books
- Learn to use OPAC
- Learn to use the Table of Content, Clossary, Index
- Develop listening skills
- Experience various literary genre
- Learn how to select books on student's reading level and interest area
- Read for pleasure
- Read and order numbers to 999
return to top Third Grade: - Use OPAC
- Use a map of the library to locate books
- Learn to put nonfiction call numbers in order up to 1 decimal
- Alphabetizing up to 3 letters
- Learn to use the table of content, index, and glossary
- Learn how to use encyclopedias, sets as well as single volumes
- Learn how to find biographies on the shelf
- Know how fiction books are arranged
- Identify types of genre
- Regularly check out materials
- Read for experience and enjoyment
return to top Fourth Grade: - Use OPAC to locate books
- Learn how to use an atlas, Illinois map, library map, special encyclopedias
- Learn how to use reference materials such as biographicl dictionaries, geographical dictionaries, alamana, record books, etc.
- Order numbers up to 2 decimals
- Visit the library regularly
- Read daily from self-selected materials
- Read for enjoyment
return to top
Fifth Grade: - Use the parts of text, title page, table of contents, chapter titles, glossary, appendix and index effectively
- Develop appropriate informational skills and study skills
- Almanacs, record books, special reference sources, Children's Magazine Guide, atlas, etc.
- Use OPAC effectively
- Ordering numbers up to 2 decimals
- Read independently for a variety of purposes, literary experiences and enjoyment
return to top Sixth Grade - Point One
- Point Two
- Point Three